none yet...
I would say I’m a better fit for mechanic, scientist, programmer and/or explorer with a victorian/goth/tech mod bend. (That eye thing sounds really interesting!)
You can also use clocks for other accessories, like as part of a knitting rosary, or a combination watch fob/stitch marker holder.
What are your feelings on receiving an altered book? Are pretty, but I’d be very sad if it took away the fact that it is a book, and books should be read. (see also: don’t randomly destroy watches)
Where would you carry your gun? Between the girls (boobs)? On the Thigh Like Lara Croft? Small of your back? Inside the thigh like an olde time saloon girl? any other place I didn’t think of?I already carry too much stuff in my boobs. I’d definitely carry mine on the thigh in a garter. Though it would be awesome if I could somehow manage to tangle one up into my hair in a bun…
It isn’t steampunk unless it contains _____________? If your spoiler decides to spoil you with goggles, would you prefer the sort to wear on your head/hat or the sort to wear on your face? Also, if you normally wear glasses, could you hack wearing goggles for a while?Alternate technology and curiosity! And I don't wear glasses, but I would kill for a nifty pair of chem lab goggles.
How do you feel about brass? Lurves it.
Do you wear jewelery? If so, what kind? Any metal allergies?I forget to wear jewelry, but I love bracelets and have no allergies. I wouldn’t mind
nolawriter’s ring, which is beyond gorgeous! Congrats!!!
Do you like cephalopods? With or without monacles/mustaches/top hats?I am indifferent to cephalopods other than cephalogal, which I think would look nifty with a monacle.
Do you like the brown/bronze/brass color scheme, or is it overdone?Lurves it. One of my favorites, but I also love the addition of pewter and burgundy.
How or when did you become interested in Steampunk? I can’t place a finger on it. I was addicted to Egypt when in elementary school, then really fell for Art Nouveau in high school. It wasn’t until college that I realized that I also adored the greater Victorian set of aesthetics, too. Now, to make it actually steampunk: I’ve always been uber intrigued by science and engineering, and a compulsive crafter, so to make smart things pretty has always been right up my alley. As far as the term “steampunk”, I’ve probably been familiar with it for a decade or so.
What music within the genre do you like?I went to a Rasputina/Voltaire concert last month that was a blast, and I’ve had them and some Abney Park on my iPod for ten years… It isn’t exactly a genre I ever thought to actively pursue, though I do like it. I always just thought they were a goth subculture.
Whoever I’m spoiling, I hope they don’t mind plastic cogs. The plan is for the cogs to be unseen anyway, as part of a working Thing. Woohoo!!! I love things that work.
Your Steampunkiness… Chevy or VW?Precision German engineering all the way!
If your spoiler makes you a wearable steampunk item, would you be more interested in a costume piece or something you could wear in more mundane circumstances?I make little distinction in my everyday wears.
What is your favored mode of transport? Dirigible, submarine, railless train, Steam Man of the Plains?really, really fast desert walker
Are you a spinner? Would you like spinnable fiber? I would lurves some.
Do you like handknit socks? What size are your feet, if so?Wool socks make my feet swampy, but I’d love to try cotton. My feet are 10” long, size 10/42
Did anybody ever watch “The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne” on the Sci-Fi channel, back when they had original programming? Nope.
Do you sew? Since before I properly knew what numbers are between 11 and 19, and I would love period patterns!
In your opinion is ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ steam punk?In the sense that it is all about curiosity and exploring, yes, but not much else.
Did anyone else ever play Syberia? nope
How do you feel about legwarmers/spats? Lurve
How do you feel about armwarmers? Lurves them too
What scents would you associate with Steampunk? Leather and eels?
What scents do you prefer? I’m sensitive to scents, so none please.
Do you drink tea? And if so, what forms? Bags, loose, iced, decaf only? I drink tea-free infusions in any presentation.
Are you more of a Wild-West coffee drinker? Again, what’s the method of your perfred poison? I can’t stand american standards for burnt coffee, but I love coffee nonetheless. The girlier the better.
If Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is steampunk, is The Great Race steampunk? lolwut?
favorite animal? Pretty much anything that is fuzzy and I can love and squeeze and hug to pieces.
for those that spin or would like to…. drop spindles? yay or nay? I love drop spindles, but most I have are on the heavy side. I’d love something for lace.
any opposition to animal based materials in the construction of your gifties like leather? fossils? nope, not at all
Okay, so another question: would you like to receive petticoat/bloomers/underskirt type paraphernalia? Yes, please and thank you.
Do you like graphic novels? meh.
Do you have any ‘Steampunk’ graphic novels? no
So is an aviator scarf cool bamboo so it drapes and shines like silk or warm soft wool so it actually keeps you warm on the airplane/hot air balloon? Either works.
is there any military insignia/war memorabilia that you do NOT want included in your gifties? Anything you do want?While I can appreciate the technological advances that have come from military research, I really don’t like anything military. Though I do love olive drab.
Hair Toys - yeay or nay? My hair is finally long enough, so yes please!!!
A lot of folks have mentioned bags - project bags? Messinger bags? Medic bags? Yummy guys to deliver your next russack? What’s your need? All of the above ^_^ I constantly need of more things to carry my crap in. Anything from a few inches to keep notions in, maybe 8” for small projects, or messenger bags for the whole shebang!
shawl pins, yes or no? What style do you like? I’ve been using tiny butterfly clips because I don’t have any, but I’d love one! Especially if it comes with a shawl :P
I’ve got yet another question (or two). Capes? And hats. Would you like? What type etc. Lurves them both!
Should we have a question about bust size in case people want to make waistcoats or peplum jackets or other knitted over-the-bust thingies for their Steampunk spoilees? 5’10”, 180 lbs, 36DD, very short torso.. I'll try to get more thorough measurements later if needed.
Do you own a doll that you dress up? Not just no, but HELL NO.
Do you like steampunk/antique/neo-voctorian things for your house? Yes and no. I’d love them, but I can’t have anything that isn’t functional, since I live in a rental and I have a cat that eats EVERYTHING.
would you use a quill pen/dip pen/nib pen? (or whatever those things are called in English that you dip into the ink in order to write) I’d prefer one with a reservoir (a fountain pen) since I don’t have a desk, but I love writing with nibs!
What if a blank book were to be filled with altered history? science? ect… This is interesting…
If you have a garden/houseplants would you like steampunk/antique/neo-voctorian things for your garden/houseplants? Can you make them cat/groundhog/chipmunk/woodpecker proof?
So whats a goodly number of stitch markers for a swap giftie?I normally make ten or twenty stitch markers at a time (five or six if they are out of expensive parts). I rarely need stitch markers, but when I do, I need a lot!
What better way to personalize a swap package than to include some small item featuring a steampunk-stylized version of a "personal emblem"? What do you think? I know we are all crafty types, but would this be unrealistic for our time and budget constraints? Umm, spirals, I guess...
What do you anticipate this to be? OHMYBOBWANT!!! I would love that as a notions organizer.
What are your feelings on a working Steamie Clock? Dinner plate size? A steampunk clock would also be cool, since we seem to collect them (along with sepia toned maps) in this house.
Buttons: Matching or mismatched?Yes please.
Straps: Useful or decorative?Useful is better, but either work.
Should your spoiler include a small item or two for the other members of your household? If so, what should it be: candy for kids, pet toys, etc? MINE, ALL MINE!!! Cat is spoiled enough.
Your feelings towards frou frou? Lace? Lurves.
Would you like a “fascinater”? Probably not a dinky hat, but yes a barrette or headband or other hairpiece.
How do you feel about crafted toys? Meh, I can’t really have anything the cat will eat.
Shawls, wraps? Bulky, lacy, elegant, practical? What say you?All of the above! Especially lacy, pretty and functional. I’m finally making my first triangle shawl for myself with little lace TARDISees ^_^
favorite flower to look at? all of them?
would you like a steampunky cover for an electronic device? (kindle, laptop, cellphone etc)YES!!!! I have an iPhone 4 that would look nifty with a steampunk case, but I always keep it in my pocket, so it needs to be sleek and not catch in my pants. I also have an old black 13” MacBook that would look absolutely lovely in a steampunk case ^_^
Are ruffles steampunk? Who likes ruffles? Me!!!
What crafts don't you do?I don’t do any papercrafts/scrapbooks, but that’s because I don’t care for them. The same with anything that is just “art”. I used to know many kinds of welding and metal work, and I know how to woodwork, but I don’t have any tools for them. I currently knit, crochet, spin and sew, a lot!
Rodents and insects? I really love rodents, and am pretty cool with bugs.
how do you feel about a “lolitta" spin to your costume attire? meh.
I have brewing in my mind a lil notions container…. made out of an empty chew can :) any objection (anyone?) to receiving a re purposed item like this?I’m a dirty hippie. I hate chew, but I love repurposing things, so as long as the branding is gone, that would be fine.
If you have a steampunk character, he/she/it is travelling. How, and to where?A challenge for you: If you already have an alternate persona, who are they and what do they do? If you do not, who would you like to be?I don’t have one. I love dressing up and playing make believe, but I can’t even put together characters for d&d other than “I hit hard”.
Bustles? Yes, I said Bustles! Understandably not for everyone but are you one for them? Lurves these, also.
And what is your goggle/fascinator head measurement? I’m thinking they might be a little different than the usual hat measurements? Are you sure? I'll try to get all the measurements on the wish list later.
I spent the last week with a vender hall full of yarn and I didn’t know my spoilee’s favorite color. Rust? Purple? Grey? Peach? Deep Red? Chartreuse? I’m pretty open to colors, as long as they are intense and not washed out. I knit lace, so I use solid or semi solid yarns, and I would love something that just screamed STEAMPUNK! I saw a yarn somewhere (probably Doctor Who themed) that was a rich midnight blue with minimal gold flecks that felt perfect. Or maybe something reminiscent of old maps or travel trunks, or automatons. I don’t really care as long as it can be justified as steampunk ^_^
Anyone got problems with black leather instead of brown? Only have blackI love leather, no matter what color.
How do you feel about receiving home baked goods? Cookies, muffins, toffee ect.FOOOOOOODDDD!!!! My only reservations are against coconut flakes, artificial sweeteners (including splenda), and chocolate chips in my cookies (I know, I’m a godless heathen, but I don’t like things getting in the way of COOKIE). Ginger snaps and sugar cookies are my favorite, and I will do unmentionable acts for toffee.
What length necklace do you like? Meh, I don’t wear necklaces, honest! I’ve gotten at least three in swaps and I’ve never gotten around to wearing them other than the day I open the box.
Where would one find the things in your que/faves that are things YOU want for yourself?
Socks are lovely, as long as they aren’t wool (it makes my feet swampy). I love them in all lengths, and preferably thin. I just want them to be pretty, and I’ll find the right shoes/skates to wear them with ^_^
Tell me of yarn you like Favorite weights? Fibers? Colors? Anything that is a mostly solid color, with a mild gradient, or with Really Wide Stripes. I’m a color hoar, so anything that is intense and not washed out. Also, I’m a yarns snob, so for the love of Bob no acrylic!!! I’ll accept up to 20% in a sock yarn, but that’s it! pls.
Do you have a teapot? Bonus points for including dimensions. Nope, and don’t need one. I have a french press mug.
What are your feelings about purple velvet? o.O In what context? Fabric, ok. Chenille yarn, not so much.
Even a broken watch is right twice a day. What time is that for your broken watch? I don’t have a broken watch. I don’t have a functioning watch, either (hint, hint).
Fingerless mittens? Hand-things at all? If yes, please provide wrist measurements thnkyou. Yes, please and thank you (info coming soon)
Any chance I could get a waist measurement too? I don’t think that’s been asked yet. This will come soon, also. My five tape measures are all at home …
Do you like full goggle like these? Either works, as long as it is chem lab safe.
If you spin what do you spin on (wheel, top whorl/low whorl/supported spindle, weight etc)? I have a hitchhiker wheel and a few drop spindles.
If you have family members who would appreciate something, too, what are their favorite colors? Screw them, I’m a loner!
Dear spoilee, would you like fibre/yarn that has been natural dyed? There exits potential for phantom colour--something that fades with time. I’ve also got Maiwa dyes that are natural but less phantom such as cochineal and osage. Or would you be interested in natural dyes and uncoloured yarn so you can play yourself? All of the above? :D
Preferred sock length? Mid-calf? Thigh high? Yes, please.
Cowls or neckwarmers - yea or nay? I don’t have any, but I’m not opposed to them.
If you have a 9-5, interested in steamy things for work? I.e. decorated clipboards, staplers, pens, mouse pad, etc? Office supply stores make me giddy hehe plus I have a “bedazzler” in me (becogger, begoggler?) I work in a chem lab constantly mixing crap, analyzing it and collecting data. If you can make it work, I’d love it!
I know some ppl have talked about their long hair. What’s yours? (For hair accessory purposes) My ponytail is about 13” now, and growing ^_^
Knitpicks They are all pretty, but neither particularly sings out to me. It would all depend on what you’re using it for.
What is the essential item for your crafting toolkit? Do you lose your yarn needles? Do you need more needles/hooks? I have a pretty complete set of tools, and then some. I keep on getting things repeated in swaps, like the double ended crochet hook for picking up dropped stitches, which I don’t need because I just use the needles. Then I have five measuring tapes (two from the same sock club) which I can either never find, or find all at once. My KnitKit was really convenient, until it started breaking and falling apart, but I still really love the collapsible scissors (which is a word I can never spell)! I have a set of KP interchangeables, which I only use when my AddiClicks are otherwise indisposed. I guess I could do with a few more cables for the AddiClicks, and those end cap hearts I saw the other day… A bunch of durable stitch markers would also be nice (hint, hint) ^_^
Back to the nib pens… would you like a fully functional one or rather a pretty but useless one? In the magnificent words of PSG: I like my pens and any other gadgets like I like Data… fully functional.
So spoilee, would you like a USB drive that has been steampunked? That would be lovely!
You find yourself in a well-stocked kitchen. What do you do there? (Ie Eat peanut butter out of a jar? Bake cookies? Put things in alphabetical order? Sleep?) Be very, very happy. I’d probably start cooking random things.
would you like a USB drive that has been steampunked? Lovely!
Okay, if you were going to make or receive the A Lady’s Bumbershoot pattern by the amazing SanguineGryphon, What color would you like it to be?
Yes, yes, oh pretty please yes! I’d love black and/or cranberry/burgundy, or a rich and sparkly midnight blue like this, with a bit less of the orange spot:
Or any other steampunky color, for that matter. And as thesqueak said, Kaylee’s parasol would also be amazing.
If yarn is included in your box, do you need it pre-caked? I’m ok in any presentation. I really like the look of skeins, though.
For fingerless gloves, what about real leather gloves with the fingertips snipped off? Is that something you’d like? I wouldn’t say no. I love all kinds of gloves.
If your Spoiler were to make you long stockings, what fiber would you want them made from? Hrm… All I know is that wool makes my feet swampy, and I hate excessive acrylic.
How do you feel about wings? As decorative embellishments? As functional devices? Functional trumps decorative, but either is pretty.
Do beadazzlers have a place in the steampunk culture/lifestyle? Um, I don’t know. And I also don’t know if I should be afraid…
Do you have any interest in a Victorian era book or magazine (as in the real thing, not a reproduction)? If so, any particular subjects (crafts, poetry, fashion, news of the time, etc)? Yes, please and thank you! I’d love anything with patterns for crafts, mainly of a fibery persuasion.
Would you like a shawl, and if so, any preference on shape, size, and/or color? I’d love a shawl, and since I only have a thick, bright red triangle one, I’d love anything!
If you have a steampunk outfit you’d like accessories for, would you post a picture? Preferably with it being worn by you? I’m currently making this:

Would you mind a box full of handmades? Mind? I’d love for a box full of hand mades!
Love steampunk embroidery, what does everyone else think? The background is my favorit color, I love the cogs, it looks amazing, but the octopus isn’t really my thing.
handstuffs I like all kinds of fingerless handstuffs. I’d say my favorite configuration are the ones that hook under the thumb, with or without other finger stubs.
Do you like ‘Thing in a Jar’? While I think they are amazing, I have no display space.
Do you want any period undergarments to go with your steampunk clothing? Any specific items (bloomers, petticoat, crinoline, underskirt, chemise)? I would love any of them (especially bloomers or chemises that can be worn under a late 15th century Italian gown).
Knitpicks garment in Gloss DK or Swish? ooOOOoooo… If it is like a sweater, I would go with (most convenient first) black, blackberry, cranberry, jade and admiral, or coal, garnet, indigo and moss. If it is a scarf or shawl or other accessory, I can do anything, and I love contrasts ^_^
Actually, let me add on to my answer. If it’s the sailor sweater previously mentioned, I would love it Sailor Jupiter themed! White base, emerald flap, white stripes and pink bow. If you make it tighterthrough the bust and then a tad loose through the torso, I would love you forever and ever!
(and if you can send it to me before Otakon, I will be your slave!)Dear spoilee, would you enjoy small cosmetic items in your box? Lipgloss in a tin? Bronzy nail polish? Nailpolish would be cool, but I don't use gloss or makeup.
Dearest pal, You had mentioned earlier that you would like some sort of lovely undergarment. Would you like it long? short and sassy? bustle-y? Knee length? What sort would you prefer? bloomers? petticoat? bustle cage? Oh, hmm... I don't know how much use I'd get out of a bustle cage. I'd love bloomers! Mid thigh should work.
Please spoilee can you check that you have updated your wishlist in your queue? It is quasi-updated... I don't know. I tend to search for patterns as I need them and add a couple, but I don't ever really knit from it -_-;;
If you’re interested in spats, is there any particular color you’d prefer? Spats sound like a blast. Knock yourself out!
Absinthe I’m not opposed to absinth, but I don’t go out of my way to drink it. My neighbor Cephalogal, on the other hand…
Cosmetics- Warm colors or Cool colors? None, thanks. Unless you find a very nifty way to paint a flame on my face :D
Jewelry - What kind do you prefer? Simple? Extravagant? Edgy? Geeky? Weird? Delicate? Chunky?? All but delicate. I love weird and geeky!
How would you like a belt? Utility? Waist Cincher? Belly Dancing? OMB I WANT THAT!!! I would kill for a utility underbusk. Though I do love anything that is useful.
Oh! Remember that question about hiding the gun from the beginning? I’d also love to have a utility garter for my wallet and phone :D
Do you want the left over oddments of materials used in the making of your gifties? Yarn, buttons, ect? That would be wonderful!
fingerless mitts: Of those, I’d prefer Veyla, though I’m not completely sold. I like the ones that have the separate wrist, but I also like pattern in the hand. I think I’d like them in brumalia or jonkanoo. Actually, I love those colors! And also spinach, ruby queen and serenity…
taffeta I love it and anything that can be made of it, like skirts, bags, dresses...
Eyelash thing Well, if it is novelty yarn, I can grow to love it (I wore my DdlM scarf every day last winter). But if it’s acrylic… I’d be afraid it will slip into the bottom of my scarf basket. Does it feel nice? Will it squeak? :(
Gradient yarn I am ever so in love with gradient yarns! Though I wish they didn’t start with such a pale shade :/
Geranium, sulfur or peacock, probably. If you could convince them to do a gradient from one color to another, I’d love a set that went from sulfur to geranium, like a flame :D
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